Finding Inspiration

What inspires you?

How do you keep motivated?

I’m pretty easily distracted by anything sparkly, pretty, interesting, loud…ummm, shoes, wait – what?

I wanted to fix my workspace to motivate me to be more creative but also more organised, in my daily life, as well as my blogging.

Anyone who stops by my Facebook or Pinterest pages will notice I have a fondness for lovely inspirational quotes, but they don’t really do much there do they? We click like, maybe a share, then we forget all about it till the next time someone we know posts another quote.

I often scribble a few of my favourites on the inside cover of my diary, but I wanted something more visible and something I can change around when I get bored, so this week I did this: 


A few photos, some washi tape and some Project Life cards to “pretty up” the little corner where I try to get the most work done.

I had a *quick* look through my Pinterest boards for the quotes that seemed the most appropriate to me right now, and wrote them on some pretty cards, and I can change the cards over to new ones whenever I get sick of them.  

This is what I came up with:






And this gorgeous frame I picked up from Ishka (for only $10, bargain!) was just begging for a spot on my desk, so I wrote our family “rules” and our all our initials on a piece of coloured paper. Simple, but I think it’s really cute.


All in all, half an hour spent tidying and decorating, has transformed my corner of the desk, from a sea of junk that did nothing to inspire me, to a place that I actually enjoy sitting down every morning with my cup of tea, checking my diary and emails. 

What tips and tricks do you use to keep motivated?


The post I almost didn’t write.

This is really fucking hard to write.

I’ve started and stopped so many times I’ve lost count. It’s time to stop thinking about it and let out the words that have been taking up space in my head for too long.

Every family has it’s quirks but mine has it’s own special kind of crazy.

When I was a kid my mum used to joke about how much therapy I was going to need because of her.

She doesn’t know that she was right.


I have trust issues.

I have honesty issues.

I have control issues.

Most of my issues stem from being completely manipulated and used by the person I should have been able to trust the most.

My Mother. 

I have spent a lot of years hurting, feeling angry, confused, helpless, lost, betrayed.

Blaming myself, wondering what I had done wrong.

And finally, at almost 32 years old, I have the answer.

I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t deserve to be manipulated, used, decieved and discarded depending on her mood. I was a kid, none of it was my fault.


So right here, right now, I’m letting it go.

I choose not to allow the damage she has caused to linger in my life for a single moment longer.


For so long I wished for a proper mother. Someone to care, to lean on, to share special moments with, someone who’s always on your side. Someone you can trust. 

I’ve finally realised that I’ve been missing something that I never actually had.

I choose to concentrate my time and thoughts with the little family Kane and I have built for ourselves.


After 32 years.

I choose to be free.

Everything that matters to me. Right here.

Everything that matters to me. Right here.

Till next time lovelies,

{This is} Beck xoxo